I had been meaning to buy a good facial toner for a while, but every time high prices or bulk loads of chemicals would deter me from buying one. However, after some research and by reading key ingredients of most of the facial toners, I decided to make my own facial toner with cheap, over the counter ingredients.
• Glycerin
• Witch hazel (preferably with 0% alcohol, but I couldn’t find any so used the one with 14% alcohol)
• Clean, empty spray bottle or drop bottle
• Small plastic funnel
Step 1: Find a clean work space and spread a newspaper to prevent so that any spillage does not ruin your workplace.
Step 2: Put the markings on the sides of the empty bottle to know the ratio of each ingredient.
Step 3: Put the funnel on the bottle and carefully start pouring ingredients; start with Glycerin and pour only till first marking; too much glycerin will make it tacky and sticky which would be workable, but only indoors and not for usual CTM routine before makeup.
Glycerin till first marking is still a bit too much, but works for me. One can change the ratio as per the requirements.
Step 4: Add the other two ingredients in equal ratio and after firmly closing the cap, vigorously shake the bottle.
Step 5: Take out a few drops of the toner on a cotton pad and apply on face to test its efficacy.
Benefits of Ingredients:
Witch Hazel
• Fights acne
• Reduces puffy eyes,
• Heals bruises,
• Refreshes skin,
• Locks in moisture,
• Treats razor burns.
• Treats sunburn,
• Eases eczema,
• Reduces redness of face,
• Tightens pores
• Maintains skin’s pH balance
• Fights acne
• Hydrates skin
• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
• Locks in moisture
• Makes skin smooth
• Fights acne and blackhead
• Acts as sunscreen
• Lightens skin
• Makes skin soft supple
• Reduces wrinkles
I am happy with my DIY project because:
• It’s cheap (Less than $10)!
• Has all the benefits of a good skin toner.
• Has no side effects.
• Will suit all skin types.
• It reduces redness on my face.
I advise others to make this toner at home and try it out and let me know how it works.
Homemade Toner to Reduce Pores and Brighten Skin Tone
Reviewed by Angel
December 12, 2015

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