Best way to lose weight – 16 Steps to Success
Tired of the belly bulge? Want to learn how to lose belly fat or how to get a six pack? Try these 16 fat busting foods and discover the best way to finally lose belly fat for good. While losing belly fat will take a lot more than just adding a few foods to your diet, there are things you can eat that will help you trim down as quickly as possible.
Whether you are trying to lose weight or are looking for the best way to get back in shape, these belly blasting weight loss tips will get you off to a great start and keep you going over the long haul.
Lose Belly Fat Fast!
How to Lose Belly Fat
Best Way to Lose Belly Fat
Italian Olive Oil Wikimedia Commons
There are many different weight loss programs and diets available that can teach you how to lose belly fat and get into great physical condition, but it is important to understand the effects that certain foods can have on weight loss success or failure. For example, high fructose corn syrup, which is common in many prepared or convenience food items has been shown to actually promote the retention of belly fat. Understanding our body's reaction to these foods is the basis of many successful programs aimed at developing the fastest weight loss strategies. In fact, with the right types of foods it is even possible to get rid of cellulite or at least minimize its effects. This relationship between food and the body is often referred to as metabolic typing and is worth looking into.
Oatmeal –
Your mid morning hunger attack is caused by a drop in blood sugar levels. Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber and gives you a sense of fullness and satiety. It also stays in your stomach for hours and will help stave off your morning donut run. Whole grains have also been shown to be an excellent way to lose weight fast because they can actually promote fat burning.
Tip: Avoid the flavored varieties that are loaded with extra sugar. Choose plain steel-cut or rolled oats and use stevia or berries to sweeten.
Berries –
Berries have a lot of filling fiber packed into them. Raspberries have six grams of fiber in a single cup.
Tip: Jelly is not a fruit; it’s the junk food of the fruit food group. It’s loaded with sugar and contains almost no fiber.
Olive Oil –
Fat controls hunger and is vital to proper nutrition. Stick with monounsaturated fats like canola or olive oil, they will help control cholesterol and satisfy cravings.
Tip: Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils; they’re loaded with trans fats.
Protein Powder –
Protein powder contains important amino acids that help build muscle and burn fat. For a delicious, fat-burning drink, add two teaspoons of protein powder to your smoothie. Protein powder is usually available at most health food stores.
Tip: Watch what you put in your smoothie. Adding protein powder won’t transform an unhealthy smoothie. Use fresh fruit, low-fat milk, and yogurt.
Best Way to Lose Belly Fat
The Belly Fat Cure: Discover the New Carb Swap System and Lose 4 to 9 lbs. Every Week
8 Minutes in the Morning to a Flat Belly: Lose Up to 6 Inches in Less than 4 Weeks--Guaranteed!
The Belly Off! Diet: Attack the Fat That Matters Most
Flat Belly Diet! Cookbook: 200 New MUFA Recipes
Flat Belly Diet! Family Cookbook
Almonds and Nuts –
Nuts help keep you feeling full and help bust belly fat. Limit yourself to 24 almonds a day; they’ll help satisfy hunger without going overboard on calories.
Tip: Avoid salted nuts; too much sodium can raise your blood pressure.
Eggs –
Eggs have been given a bad name because of their cholesterol, but they also contain vitamin B12, which your body needs in order to metabolize fat.
Tip: Talk to your doctor before adding eggs to your diet, especially if you have high cholesterol.
Legumes and Beans –
Beans are naturally low in calories and are packed with fiber and protein, which help you lose weight and tone up. Try using beans as your main protein once a week and you’ll cut saturated fat and add extra fiber.
Tip: Refried beans can be very high in saturated fat. Choose plain pinto, black, or other varieties of beans instead.
Whole Grains –
Whole grains contain a lot of fiber and this fiber will help keep you from getting hungry. Not all carbs are bad, whole grains contain carbs that are actually good for you.
Tip: Watch labels, they can be deceiving. Some breads labeled as “wheat” has had all the fiber and nutrients stripped out of it. Look instead for “whole grain” or “100 percent whole wheat,” listed on the label.
Lean Meats and Fish –
Your body will burn more calories digesting proteins than when digesting fat or carbohydrates. While turkey may be the leanest meat out there, fish has even less saturated fat. Opt for tuna or salmon and you’ll be getting a healthy source packed with Omega-3s, which prevent cortisol, the stress hormone that promotes belly fat.
Tip: Sausages and cured meats contain a lot of saturated fat.
Green Vegetables –
Green vegetables like broccoli, spinach and wheatgrass are loaded with fiber and contain very few calories. Have a salad before your meal and you’ll be satisfied with a smaller portion. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, green vegetables will also help you lose belly fat.
Tip: Iceberg lettuce, which is the common lettuce most people opt for, has almost no fiber. Try a salad with arugula, romaine, or spinach instead.
Peanut Butter –
Who would have guessed that this childhood favorite would be waist friendly as well? Peanut butter is packed with niacin, which helps prevent belly bloat and keeps the digestive system on track. Be sure to watch portion size, peanut butter has a lot of fat. Limit yourself to 2T per day.
Tip: Some peanut butter contains a lot of added sugar, look for all-natural peanut butter for a healthier choice.
Dairy –
Research shows that calcium actually helps break down fat and may even help prevent it from forming in the first place!
Tip: Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products over their full-fat versions.
Blast Belly Fat with the Right Food
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Avocados –
Avocados contain a lot of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats as well as being a great source of filling fiber. Each avocado contains 11 to 17 grams of fiber, making them an excellent food for staving off hunger.
Tip: Eat half a cup a day to get the benefits of the MUFAs and fiber.
Iced Tea –
Tea is rich in antioxidants, especially green tea weight loss tea, and studies have shown that antioxidants increase metabolism. In fact, Swiss researchers claim that drinking tea burns an average of 266 calories per day.
To optimize the calorie burning effects of drinking tea, skip the bottled teas – these have been processed and all the slimming nutrients depleted. Instead, grab a tea bag and steep it in one cup of hot water for two to four minutes, then pour over ice.
Tip: Drink four cups a day.
Cannellini Beans –
Cannellini beans are rich in resistant starch, a unique fiber that is resistant to digestion.
The good news is, the slower your body digests its food, the harder it has to work – that means, more calories burned!
Tip: Eat half a cup a day to battle belly fat.
Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese –
This cheese is low in calories and rich in calcium. Researchers claim that it activates the body’s fat-burning hormones, helping you to burn more belly fat.Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is also higher in protein than any other dairy product and this protein helps you to stay fuller longer.
Tip: Grate an ounce over soup or salad every day.
Some people find that using supplements or diet pills can help them to get the weight off faster and not feel hungry. These weight loss products need to be evaluated carefully because not all of them are as effective as they may claim, but there are some great products available. Another popular weight loss diet plan is the HCG for weight loss plan which has gained incredible popularity in recent years. This plan is showing remarkable success with most users losing between one and two pounds each DAY!
The important thing when you want to lose weight is to include healthy foods andhealthy snacks into your diet plan and exercise routine. Try to increase physical activity to speed up the fat burning and metabolic rate and before you know it you will get rid of love handles, belly fat and cellulite.
If you are looking for some fun ways to increase your activity level, be sure to consider the excellent Richard Simmons Sweatin to the Oldies exercise DVD or even bouncing your way to health on a rebounder or mini trampoline. Both of these options will keep your metabolism on overdrive and will help speed fat loss. Whichever program you choose, stick with it and you will see the results!
Best Way to Lose Belly Fat Fast
Reviewed by Angel
February 02, 2016

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