How to Lose Weight with the Caveman Diet

By spacing out your meals and drinking lots of water every day, you can lose weight with the "caveman" diet.

The "caveman" diet is inspired by the way humans are believed to have eaten during the Paleolithic period. (For those of you who don't know what the Paleolithic period is, think "caveman" era.) The period lasted about 2.5 million years and ended approximately 10,000 years ago.
Also called the "paleo" diet, this program trains your body to crave good and healthy foods and to eat at regular intervals. Eating paleo, or caveman-style, means eating meat, eggs, vegetables, and limited amounts of fruit and nuts. No grains.

In addition to avoiding carbohydrates, this diet program emphasizes eating at regular intervals. This boosts your metabolic rate (the rate at which your body burns fat) and keeps it at a more consistent level.
The diet has several stages to get you to this point. At first, to some people, it seems a little funky. But at the end of the diet your mind and body will be trained to crave healthier foods at regular times of the day and to not want junk food. All of this will be supported by the transition that your body will go through, as you will see noticeably in the mirror as time goes by. By the time you reach stage three, you should have dropped anywhere between 5-10% of your overall weight in fat (give or take, depending on your original body fat percentage).

What We'll Discuss

• How the Diet Works.
• The Caveman Diet: Stages One, Two, and Three.
• Frequently Asked Questions.
• Benefits of the Diet

Drinking water every morning is a key to success on this diet.

The Caveman diet will demolish body fat throughout the troublesome areas of your body. It will also help bring your body's sugar levels to normal levels. (Closer to those of the original cavemen, who ate only natural sugars, and really not much of it.)
This diet will also help eliminate toxins from your body. By the end, you will feel much better and be more motivated to eat healthier food as it will have become natural.
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Stages of the Diet

Stage One: Between Two and Four Weeks
Stage Two: Between Two and Four Weeks
Stage Three: Length Optional
• Water only in the morning, between 8 and 16 ounces.
• Water only in the morning.
• Water only in the morning.
• During the day eat a handful of unsalted nuts and fresh fruit now and then.
• Nothing during the day.
• Healthy, unprocessed foods during the day.
• At night, eat whatever you want.
• Healthy dinner. Choose from a variety of foods listed below.
• In the evening, healthy foods only.

Stage One: Two to Four Weeks

For the first stage, which can last between two and four weeks, eat plenty of fruit during the day.

Stage one of the caveman diet lasts for a minimum of two weeks but for no longer than four weeks. This stage is geared to prepare your body for a shocking wake-up call.

In the morning, drink a glass or two of water.
Every morning when you first wake up, drink a normal-sized glass of water, about 8 oz. (I personally place a 16 oz. bottle of water on my night stand every night. When I wake up, I chug it on down!) Drinking water as soon as you wake up awakens your body. You won't feel lethargic or tired. You will be more energized and feel better about starting your day!

Throughout the day, eat only unsalted nuts and fruit.

During the day, help yourself to a handful of fruit and unsalted nuts now and then. Just make sure not to choose dried fruit, as it is full of sugar. Your body will start to detox almost immediately. If you are hungry, drink water and push yourself to wait for dinner.

During the first stage of the diet you can eat whatever you want at night.

During this first stage you are allowed to eat whatever you want at night, as long as you only eat once. Allow yourself to eat pizza, burgers, or even your mom's famous spaghetti. At the end of this diet, you will learn how much you really, really don't like those foods.

Stage Two: Two to Four Weeks

Drinking water every morning will give you more energy to start your day.

Stage two lasts for at least two weeks, but for no longer than four weeks. This stage can last for a longer time frame, however the focus is to get to the next stage.
In the morning first thing, chug down that cup or bottle of water left on your nightstand from the night before.
During the second stage, eat nothing during the day. When you get hungry, drink some water.

During the day, eat NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Not a chip, a cracker, or a gummy bear. Your body will detox throughout the day. If you feel hungry, just keep drinking water.
Your body and your mind will actually find this surprisingly easy after you have finished stage one. At all costs, wait until dinner to eat. Just keep in mind that you spent the past 2-4 weeks preparing for this stage. If you slip up even one time during stage two, you just threw away all of your hard work.
In the evening, eat what and as much as you want as long as it is a healthy food. See list of good options below.

At night you can eat as much as you want. Eat at any time that you'd like, even if its 3 am and you need to be up at 6 am. The important thing is what you eat. No burgers, pizza, or hotdogs. At the end of stage two your body and mind should be regularly craving these good foods instead of the cheeseburgers from McDonalds or even mom's spaghetti (sorry mom!).

Food Options for Dinner

• Any kind of meat, fish, chicken, or steak (I personally prefer steaks).
• Eggs from free-range chickens.
• Small amounts of fruit.
• Vegetables (I sauté steak cubes with green bell peppers and white onions. Tastes great!).
• Nuts (almonds are best).
• Berries (strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are very good for you).

Stage Three: Length Optional

Follow the final stage of the caveman diet for as long as you want. The longer you follow it, the more second-nature it will become.

The final stage of the caveman diet can be followed for as long as you desire. The longer you follow it however, the easier it will become and the more weight you will lose.
In the morning, do the same thing you've been doing for 6-10 weeks now: Drink that bottle or cup of water!
Satisfy any hunger pangs and cravings with healthy choices, including fresh vegetables.

During the day, when your body is hungry, feed it. At this point your body should only be craving healthy foods, nuts, vegetables, and meat. Satisfy any cravings you may have with these healthy foods. Teach yourself and your body to graze on small amounts throughout the day. This will keep your metabolic rate high, constantly burning stored energy.
The same as lunch. Stick with the healthy fruits, meats, and vegetables. Stay away from potatoes and sweet potatoes. Throw different vegetables in the mix.
At this point your body will enjoy and love the healthy food you have been feeding it for the past two months. Make healthy choices and you will never go back to the old way you had been eating before. Your mother may be sad that you no longer eat her spaghetti, but who knows? Maybe you can teach her the caveman diet! Tell her how amazing she will feel by the time she starts the final stage!

Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I exercise while on the caveman diet?
Yes! Do as much exercise as you want, but if you start to feel weak or dizzy, stop immediately. I recommend starting off slow with exercise to see how your body reacts. Your body will need to adjust to the nutritional values that have changed.
• Is it OK to take hunger suppressors or multi-vitamins?
Yes. Just be sure to drink a lot of water.
• Is it possible to drink too much water?
Only if you drank gallons in under an hour.
• What if I cannot eat nuts?
Seeds will work.
• What are the best fruits for this diet?
All fruits work, but juicy fruits like pineapple, grapefruit, apples, oranges, plums, and peaches are best because they are low in carbohydrates and high in acid.
• I started the diet but skipped the "eat what you want in the evenings" part and just ate vegetables. Now I crave meat. What should I do?
I would recommend starting over, but don't skip the "eat what you want part." This will keep your cravings down.

Benefits of this Diet

Aside from losing weight, there are several benefits of doing this diet:
  • It causes the body to lose weight, particularly fat.
  • The diet will naturally increase your energy level. It puts your body into a slight "fight or flight" mode. You will automatically access your animal instincts, which will give you more energy. This energy surge is the bodies way to ensure you can find and obtain food. The longer you are on the diet, the more often you will notice these energy surges. They will also begin to last longer.
  • Your body will be detoxed. By removing the toxins of processed foods from your body, you will feel cleaner, more focused, and even have a better mood. Your insides will be cleaner, your skin will be clearer, your hair and nails will be stronger ,and you will just feel better all around.
  • The diet taps into your bodies "animal instincts," the same instincts that you need to survive. Due to this, your senses will be clearer, stronger, and sharper. You will be more focused and driven to do the things that you want to do.
How to Lose Weight with the Caveman Diet How to Lose Weight with the Caveman Diet Reviewed by Angel on September 15, 2016 Rating: 5

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