8 Movement Gymnastics Pregnancy To Facilitate childbirth - While pregnant does not mean you should not do sports activities. Perform various sports movements, it is very needed to smoothen the circulation of blood and facilitate the process of childbirth. However there are some things that need to be considered before doing gymnastics pregnant, such as the right time to exercise to the type of movement.
The most appropriate Time to exercise during the period of pregnancy is during the third trimester or when the fetus is already 7 months old to the top. While for the movements of gymnastics, choose the movement and focus on breathing. The following 8 types of movement gymnastics pregnant that you can do easily and certainly safe for the baby.
1. Kegel exerciseskegel exercises is a movement sport that most easy and you can do anywhere. The way, contract the muscles around the urinary tract and the vagina with the movement such as hold urine, hold for 3 – 10 seconds. Gymnastics pregnant this you can do up to 10 times every day, when you're sitting or standing. In addition to strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and facilitate the process of birth, this exercise also serves to train the muscles in other areas such as around the urethra, bladder, rectum, and uterus, as well as also beneficial to reduce the risk of ambein and tighten the vagina.
2. Gymnastics squatgymnastic Movements squats can strengthen the muscles around the pelvis and thighs, so it is useful to smoothen the process of childbirth. To perform the exercise movement, you can follow the steps below:
– Start with an upright position, then lower the body slowly to an upright position with the back perpendicular.
– just Breathe normally and hold this position for 10 seconds, then return to standing position slowly.
– For maximum results, you can repeat the exercise movement squat several times a day. But if you already feel tired, don't push yourself too far.
3. Pose tailor/yoga butterflyGymnastics pregnant pose tailor, or better known with the pose of this butterfly you can do to train the muscles of the thigh and reduce the risk of back pain that is often experienced by pregnant women. How to do yoga butterfly is also very easy, you can follow the steps below:
– Sit cross-legged with your spine straight.
– Bring both the soles of the feet in front, and push the knee to touch the floor.
– Hold this position for approximately 10 – 20 seconds. You can repeat it several times.
4. Mini sit-upsMovement sit-ups is not recommended for pregnant women. But you can do gymnastics pregnant mini sit-ups that his movements are not too pressing of the abdomen. This sport is able to tighten the abdomen and lower the risk of straining on the back. In addition, the mini sit-ups are also useful to strengthen the muscles that play a role when pushing the baby out.
- Lie supine and put a pillow under the pelvis.
- Bend your knees with the position of the soles of the feet touch the floor, so the stomach is not too depressed.
- Exhale the breath while lifting the head and shoulders, as well as try to reach the knees with hands.
- Back to the starting position while breathing.
- Repeat this movement several times.
5. Movement to sit cross-legged
Gymnastics pregnant this one is almost the same with the movement of the yoga and useful to tighten the muscles and prevent stress during pregnancy. Sit in cross-legged, use a yoga mat made of comfortable footwear, and follow the movement below:
– Pull both hands to the front of the chest.
– Pull and exhale the breath on a recurring basis.
– Perform other movements such as lifting both hands towards the top of the head while breathing slowly. Then lower the hands while exhaling.
6. Pregnancy exercise with lifting the pelvis
Gymnastics with the lifting movement of the pelvis to the top is beneficial to tighten the abdominal muscles and gives a sense of relax during the preparation process of childbirth. You can do this by:
– Lie on your back and bend both knees.
– Pull the breath through the nose while you tighten your abdominal muscles and buttocks.
– make Sure the back is flush with the floor or mat.
– Lift the pelvis upward and hold for 5 breath.
– Return to the starting position slowly.
7. Gymnastics with yoga ball
To do gymnastics pregnant, you can also use the help of a yoga ball or gym ball. Gymnastics is very useful to maintain balance during pregnancy, strengthen the muscles of the stomach, help you to be more relaxed, to reduce pain in the lower back. Is actually very a lot of movement gymnastics pregnant that can be done with a yoga ball. However, for beginners, can start with simple poses here.
– Sit back and relax over the ball with your back straight
– Open both legs to hip-width apart
– Straighten the hand towards the front, then hold for 5 – 10 seconds
– Lower the hands while exhaling
– Repeat this movement a few times
8. Movement gymnastics crawl
Gymnastics pregnant with the movement of crawling is very good for preparing the muscles of the lower body, so the birth process can run normally and smoothly. Movement gymnastics crawl this you can do by way of:
– Take a position such as crawling
– Navigate the view in the forward direction with the head and back raised
– Pull the breath slowly arch your back to the direction in
– Straighten your back back to its original position while breathing slowly
– Do this movement repeatedly.
That's 8 movement gymnastics pregnant that you can do easily. However if still in doubt, you can consult first to the doctor about movements that are safe for your pregnancy. Good luck.
8 Movement Gymnastics Pregnancy To Facilitate childbirth
Reviewed by Angel
September 29, 2016

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