10 Yoga moves guaranteed to shrink your stomach is distended

10 Yoga moves guaranteed to shrink your stomach is distended - Having a slim stomach is the dream of all people. But a flat stomach and slim is not just a dream if you want to try to make it happen. One is by doing exercise and yoga. In this article, I will review the movements of yoga what can help you to get the ideal body shape. Want to know? Directly check out the explanation below! 

1. Tadasana, of yoga that is most suitable for beginners

Tadasana is a yoga movement the most basic and easy to do, including for those of you who are still beginners. The function of this movement is to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, accelerate blood circulation in the body and help balance the performance of the muscles of the body naturally. To do the exercise Tadasana, you simply follow 2 easy steps:

– Stand up straight and then jinjitkan leg, lift it up while pulling in a breath.

– Do this step repeatedly every second for 10 times.  

2. Pavanamuktasana, the movement of yoga the most relaxing, can while laying in bed!

the Movement of yoga the most relaxing and includes easy-to-do to shrink your stomach is Pavanamuktasana. This exercise you can do in bed when you wake up or before going to bed. Movement yoga Pavanamuktasana is very easy to do. You simply do the steps below:

– Lying on a bed or yoga mat with your back perfectly.

– Lift your head and pull your right leg while you inhale, then kiss your knees while exhaling.

– Replace with the left leg.

– Do by pulling both legs up to touch the nose and hold for 30 seconds. Breathing as the second step.

– Repeat a few times best. 

3. Bhujangasana, yoga with 3 benefits at once

in Addition to beneficial to eliminate the fat that accumulates in the abdomen, yoga movements this one is also suitable for the suppleness of the waist and tulakang back. Even with a routine of doing Bhujangasana, will make you avoid from back pain, to cure back pain already come.
How to do it:

– Take the position of the bed face down with legs straight and hands just below the shoulder line.

– inhale slowly and lift the body toward the rear with both hands. Hold this position for 1 minute.

– Return to the starting position while exhaling slowly. Repeat 5-10 times.

4. Dhanurasana, the position of the “boat” a powerful burn fat in the stomach

Yoga Dhanurasana indeed tend to be difficult to do, but you're still obliged to give it a try because it has many benefits for your body. Not only potent burn fat that accumulates in the abdomen, yoga movements this one is also very good to improve posture and strengthen back muscles.
Though rather difficult, but if done regularly, over time you will also be familiar with the yoga movement on this one. Try yoga Dhanurasana by following the steps below:

– Lie facedown on top of the yoga mat, bend the knee up and hold's your leg with the hand.

– Lift the body upwards until the body forms an arch like a boat and only stomach so the pedestal of the body.

– Point head and glance upward, hold this position 30 seconds to 1 minute. 

5. Padahastasana, yoga makes slim at once smart

If about to make a slim stomach wasn't sure it well. But the movement of yoga has other benefits, that can make you smart. Why is that? Due to the movement of Padahastasana this can also facilitate the supply of oxygen to the brain, so brain cells can work more actively.
How to do yoga exercises is also very easy, just follow the steps below:

– Take a position stand upright and raise your hands upwards while inhaling.

– Pull both hands to the bottom of the soles of the feet and exhale.

– Hold this position up to 1 minute, repeat up to several times. 

6. Naukasana, help you to get the shape of the abdomen is the desire of all women in the world

Want to realize your dream to have a stomach the dream of all women? Do the practice of yoga Naukasana by practicing the way below:

– Take a position sleep on your back with both legs meeting a perfect as well as the second hand sticking on the yoga mat and right on both sides of the body.

– Lift the hands, feet, shoulders and head slowly while you inhale with a relaxed (as much as possible until your body resembles the letter V).

– All part of the body rests on the muscles of the abdomen. Maintain this position as long as you can.

– Return to starting position and repeat 5-10 times in each exercise. 

7. Uttanpadasana also can make you have a “foot model”

yoga can help you to shrink the stomach is Uttanpadasana. But the benefits are not only that, yoga poses this one can also tighten the muscles of the legs and make your legs more beautiful and level. How to do? Follow the steps below:

– Lay with your back on top of the yoga mat, legs and arms straight and tight.

– Raise both legs slowly to form the position of the body perpendicular or 90 degrees.

– Lower the leg slowly. Repeat this movement at least 5 times in each exercise. 

8. Vrksasana, yoga movement is another trend

Vrksasana is one of the yoga moves that are in at this time. Yoga poses are also often referred to as Willow is beneficial to strengthen and form the second side of the abdomen. How to do the exercises is also very easy, simply by:

– Stand up straight with both feet touching and hands on both sides of the body.

– Place the sole of the left foot to the side of the inside of the right thigh to the left foot forming an angle of 45 degrees.

– Pull both hands to the front of the chest to the palms of the right and left stick, hold it up to 2 times the gusts of breath.

– On the breath of the third, expand the hands up with the position of the open hand.

– Return to the original position and do the back by folding the right leg.

– On the breath of the third, expand the hands up and the position of the open hand.

– inhale and straighten your back body.

– Do back with legs instead. 

9. Got the shape of the abdomen, back and shoulders with Chaturanga Dandasana 

In addition to shrinking the stomach, the movement of yoga can also strengthen the shoulders, arms and back. Want to try yoga Chaturanga Dandasana? Follow the steps below:

– Start with a position like push-ups with feet resting on the tips of the toes, hand on the shoulder, and the position of the body aligned from head to toe.

– Exhale while lowering the chest toward the floor (but don't touch the floor), until the palm of the hand close to the body and abdominal muscles noticeably tightened.

– Hold this pose up to 1 minute.

10. Marjarasana, yoga poses for all people

Yoga exercises the last that is suitable to shrink the stomach is Marjarasana. Not only shrink the stomach, this movement also can help you control your emotions. Marjarasana is also often called the yoga for all people because it is suitable for anyone, ranging from beginners to pregnant women though.
it was not too difficult, you simply follow the steps below:
– Position the body such as on all fours with the wrists aligned with the shoulders and position the knees under the hips.
– Posisikan tangan selebar dengan baju dan lutut selebar dengan pinggul.
– Position the hands wide with a shirt and knee width with the hips.
– Exhale while pulling the chin to the top of the chest.
– Arch the back and buttocks towards the bottom. Repeat this movement several times.

That's 10 yoga moves that are powerful to shrink your stomach. Was ready to give it a try? It turns out that to get the shape of the abdomen is not the ideal thing difficult and does not require the expensive cost. Just capitalize a yoga mat and of course the intention, as well as doing regular exercise, slim belly is no longer just be a dream.
10 Yoga moves guaranteed to shrink your stomach is distended 10 Yoga moves guaranteed to shrink your stomach is distended Reviewed by Angel on September 24, 2016 Rating: 5

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