Worst food to Eaten at night - Eat right before going to bed at night is a recipe for raising the weight and not sleeping soundly. In addition, the habit of eating before bed can damage tissues in the throat and esophagus.
You may know the stomach acid or acid reflux, but you may not know there is also called silent reflux that tastes nothing like when stomach acid rise i.e. the burning sensation in the chest or throat.
Silent reflux sufferers usually will experience chronic cough, sore throat and difficulty swallowing. This condition is indeed more often without symptoms.
Aryngologist however, according to Jamie Koufman, one of the biggest risk factors affected by silent reflux is dinner. He also recommends for your dinner is no more than three hours before bedtime. However, you should still avoid eating snacks in the middle of the night because it can cause the same effect.
Reported by the women's Health Mag, Sunday (2/10/2016), there are 7 food and drinks should be avoided to eaten at midnight.
1. Alcohol
Alcohol relaxes the valve that connects the stomach and the esophagus. When this happens, Your body is not able to keep food in its place. This allows You to get acid reflux.
2. Soda
Soda is actually more acidic than anything found in nature, according to Koufman. The acid in soda damage the valve that connects the stomach and the esophagus. Coupled with the carbonation there is in soda increase abdominal pressure.
3. Chocolate
Food is indeed deliciously eaten the evening as a snack. However, the particular chocolate that contain high fat (which can also relaxes the valve) and contains caffeine and a stimulant called theobromine, usually make the stomach uncomfortable. the
4. Cheese
If You really want to eat fatty food before bed, choose a cheese type of parmesan or Swiss which has the effect of reflux is lower than cheese soft textured like feta and mozarella. That means You should not order a pizza in the evening.
5. Nuts
When changed to reflux, fat is fat, whether saturated or not saturated. So, although nuts in general contain many health benefits, nuts should still be avoided before going to bed. Cashews, walnuts and macadamia and peanuts are the worst. While pistachios and almonds aren't too bad for the digestion.
6. Orange
This is also the fruit is very sour. A glass of orange juice or green apple day can so select the worst for Your digestion.
7. Coffee
Coffee is acidic, and the caffeine in coffee contains ingredients that could produce stomach acid. If You want to drink coffee before going to bed, drink decaffeinated coffee because it has acid levels low.
If You want to snacking in the evening, Koufman advise You to consume foods that are low in acid such as bananas, a bowl of cereal low in sugar with low-fat milk, or chamomile tea can soothe the stomach.
Worst food to Eaten at night
Reviewed by Angel
October 04, 2016

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