The vegan diet is one of the popular dietary choices, and is considered safe enough to run during moderate corridors. Many people choose this diet to help them maintain their health and gain the ideal body weight.
To what extent are the truths of a number of claims related to the vegan diet? And how should a healthy vegan diet be carried out?
Facts About the Benefits of a Vegan Diet for Weight Loss
According to sources, it is said that a diet with vegetables and fruit or a vegan diet does indeed help reduce body mass indexes (BMIs) related to general body mass.According to the 2013 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition with the heading A multicenter randomized controlled trial of a plant-based nutrition program to reduce body weight and cardiovascular risk in the corporate setting: the GEICO study said that those who followed a vegan diet would be more effective at reducing weight. This research proves that the vegan diet for 18 weeks will lose weight to 4.2 kg.
At least, those who are on a vegan diet will be 7, 5% of body weight after a 4-month diet period. And when combined with diet or other therapies, will help increase the benefits of weight loss up to 2-3 times better.
Why is the Vegan Diet Effective in Weight Loss?
The vegan diet is proven to be effective in helping you lose weight. In addition to aspects of the vegan diet is also said to be effective in helping to reduce cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels and help maintain general bodily health.What are the aspects that cause an effective vegan diet for weight loss? The following are a number of reasons.
A fiber-rich vegan diet
Of course it's no secret that vegetables and fruit contain large amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber. And of course you are already familiar with the benefits of fiber in helping you lose weight.Foods that are rich in fiber are good for helping to keep the stomach feeling full for longer. On the other hand, the fiber will help keep the stool soft enough to facilitate the disposal process. Meanwhile, fiber takes longer to digest, thus diverting the intestinal performance to not optimally absorb fat and cholesterol from food.
Studies prove that they are on a diet with a high fiber content of at least an extra 14 grams per day will naturally reduce the calorie content they consume at least 10%. This was explained in the 2011 Nutrition Reviews with the heading Dietary fiber and weight regulation.
Low calorie vegan diet
One of the important things that you need to pay attention to in each type of diet that you run is a matter of calories. Diet will work if your calorie levels are lower than your body's calorie needs. This forces your body to draw energy from the calories in the body.And shifting your diet to the type of food that comes from vegetable sources is one of the right answers. Considering that almost all plant foods have low calorie content. You need at least 300 grams of boiled broccoli or 283 grams of melon to get 100 calories. Meanwhile, to be able to get the same calorie levels you only need about 50 grams of chicken breast or about 28 grams of cheese.
Control unhealthy eating patterns
Most animal foods today are no longer served fresh, but are served in the form of processed foods such as sausages, pepperoni, nuggets and so forth. And of course all these types of processed foods have side effects that you cannot just leave aside.These foods are not only high in calorie content, but also often contain high levels of additives. Not only that, this kind of processed food is not impossible to also store the levels of carcinogens that are important for you to watch out for, because they can be one of the factors that cause cancer.
You could only be semi-vegan, but at least this is enough to reduce the likelihood of you regularly consuming processed foods and increase the intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber in the foods you eat daily. This is clearly far healthier than the habit of consuming processed foods in the daily menu.
Low sugar vegan diet
High fiber levels in vegan diet foods make carbohydrates in your intake tend to be complex. And this type of carbohydrate is certainly low in glucose. So that helps reduce sugar input into the body.While a number of plant foods can also work to help increase cell sensitivity to insulin. This will help the body reduce glycemia levels in the body. Vegan diets are proven to be effective 2, 4 times in helping to reduce blood glucose levels according to a 2015 source of The Journal of Pediatrics with the title Plant-based, no-added-fat or American Heart Association diets: impact on cardiovascular risk in obese children with hypercholesterolemia and their parents.
The vegan diet helps maintain arterial health
The vegan diet is also proven to help maintain cholesterol levels in the blood. It is also effective in helping to maintain cardiovascular health, including the health of arteries. Those who have more portions of vegetables and fruit will have healthier arterial conditions.As also explained in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013 with the heading A multicenter randomized controlled trial of a plant-based nutrition program to reduce body weight and cardiovascular risk in the corporate setting: the GEICO study.
Are there any Risks to the Vegan Diet?
Although it was recognized from the beginning that the vegan diet is safe and healthy, it is not necessarily without risk. The main problem is that most people don't go on the vegan diet as they should, and eventually face a number of risks.However, some nutrients in animal foods can not always be replaced simply with nutrients in vegetable intake. A number of vitamins and minerals in vegetable sources are in different formulas and require a longer process to be digested. While the rest you simply cannot find in a vegetable source in sufficient quantities.
That is why those who adhere to a vegan diet unwise will cause them to experience vitamin B12, calcium, healthy omega 3 fats, iodine, zinc and iron. This allows dieters to experience hypothyroid problems, anemia, bone loss problems to depression problems and difficulty in concentrating.
A number of findings revealed at, also see that adopting a vegan diet unwise will allow a person to also experience complaints about eye and heart health.
How to Live the Vegan Diet Properly?
The vegan diet is a diet where you eliminate or minimize animal intake in your daily diet. This is clearly not a simple decision, given that humans naturally live as omnivores where they can eat animal and vegetable foods as well.For this reason, the body naturally also needs a number of important nutrients derived from animal and vegetable sources. And when we decide to go on a vegan diet, what should be a concern is how we keep getting the nutrients we need by limiting animal intake. For that, at least you need to run it with the following tips.
Eat more vegetables
Considering you are on a vegan diet to achieve your ideal weight, then we will certainly consider the matter of reducing calorie intake. Therefore divert a number of servings of carbohydrates with vegetables. It says in that at least 50% of your plate is vegetables.Insert vegetable protein sources
Most vegetables are not the type that is dense with protein. But actually you are also quite easy to find vegetable protein intake such as tempeh, soybeans, flax seeds, chia seeds, lentils, nuts and many more. Enter this type of protein-rich vegetable food intake in your menu to cover the body's protein needs. Sometimes you need a protein supplement for you who decides to completely eliminate animal intake.Pay attention to fat intake
Some types of vegetable intake are also rich in fat which also means it is rich in cholesterol, although of course in the HDL cholesterol formula which is much safer than LDL cholesterol in animal products.However, the problem with most vegetable fat products is that it is rich in oemga 6 compared to omega 3. In fact, the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 should be 3: 1, so you should moderate your intake of vegetable fat to avoid the side effects of excess omega 6 in the body. You can use flax seeds and chia seeds that contain more omega 3 to help keep your body fat composition safe.
Avoid artificial food
Some modern vegan diet concepts introduce you to the concept of artificial meat or artificial cheese. They are indeed made from vegetable raw materials which apparently are unfortunately no better for your body.Some of these products are too rich in soy which are actually not safe enough for your body. Soy is good, as long as it is consumed in moderate levels. In addition to soy, a number of artificial products are made from the type of mycoprotein which has an allergic risk and a number of digestive complaints.
You need a supplement
Some of the animal-sourced intake is not enough to replace it by consuming only vegetable intake. Therefore it is important to do a careful calculation, what you get and its nutritional value.It is very likely that you will need supplements to cover these nutritional deficiencies. Let's say you will probably need additional supplies for iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin B12.
Those are some pictures of the vegan diet. About how this vegan diet is beneficial for your body including weight loss programs. Also a matter of how the vegan diet also has a number of risks and the best way to go on a vegan diet by minimizing risk.
Some experts like to adopt a vegan diet is a healthy and safe diet. Not only effective in losing weight, but also helps improve the quality of health. But some experts still doubt whether being a pure vegetarian for life will remain healthy and safe. Many still argue and see the importance of animal nutrition as a source of food, even on a relatively limited scale.
Vegan Diet: Benefits, Risks, and the Right Way to Run It
Reviewed by Angel
March 30, 2020

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