The trend to be thin or keep the weight doesn't seem to be stopping. Foods that are increasingly diverse, high stress levels trigger the more protruding stomach. But unfortunately some diet program that claimed to be able to lose weight, it may not work at all. There are some people who are finally surrendered with their diet program.
Some people try to go to the gym, but for the workers, people seem to go to the gym is just a mere dream. Time and effort is up to his job and has not had time to go to the gym again.
But don't worry, you can try Yoga! This exercise program can be done anywhere, anytime. You can control your body and your mind, skinny belly also is not a dream anymore.
Wait again! Learn Yoga and say Welcome to the flat belly!
1. Heating with Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Tadasana is an ideal warm-up poses, to improve blood circulation.
Stages: standing upright, arms straight and close at the sides of your body. Stretch your hands forward with walk on tip toes. Breathe as usual and hold the position for 20-30 seconds.
Do 10 times gradually
2. Surya Namaskar (Sun Poses)
Surya Namaskar is basically a meeting to twelve Yoga positions that each have a major impact for the health of the body. Do exactly the same as in motion pictures and start 5 laps gently land, and increase the number gradually.
Prepare a bottle of water and drink each repetition and rest for 15 minutes before you repeat the movements of Surya Namaskar.
3. Padahastasana (Pose Stand Bent)
Your tummy will really repressed and maximize fat burning. This position helps tighten the lower part of the abdomen.
Stages: Tadasana pose stand with, proceed with your hands pull upwards and inhale a deep breath in. Next you exhale and bend to parallel to the floor, and hold your breath, hold position 60 to 90 seconds. Go back to the last position Tadasana.
Repeat 10 x asanas and rest 10 seconds between 2 x repetition.
4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Poses Bending)
This is the basic Hatha Yoga poses, great for those of you who are experiencing indigestion. The movement is almost the same as just Padahastasana is done while sitting. For beginners who are unfamiliar with this movement could give it a try by touching thighs first as a start.
Done gradually starting from 10 times to above 25 times
5. Pavanamuktasana (Pose)
This poses help reduce gastric problems, including indigestion and constipation. It could also help the burning of fat in the blood.
Stages: lie down with terlentang position, legs straight, and hands on the side of your body. Bend both knees to the stomach. If you head to bend the Chin touching your knees.
Hold the position for 60 – 90 seconds, and repeat 8-10 times, and repeat every 15 seconds rest your movements.
6. Naukasana (Boat Pose)
This is the pose that most wanted, because when done regularly can make your stomach became flat.
Stages: Lay terlentang with legs straight and toes facing the sky the sky. Besides the hand palm facing the ground. Breathe in deeply, and release it in unison with the lifting of the head, chest and legs forming such a ship.
Hold the position for 30-60 seconds and repeat gradually. Rest for 10 minutes per repeat
7. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)
This pose is great for toning the abdominal muscles
Stages: a sitting position, slowly raise your body until you are half standing with knees. With lengkungkan your back slowly until hands touching your ankle.
Hold the position of 20-30 seconds, and repeat gradually
8. Uttanpadasana (the raised Legs Pose)
This pose helps in getting rid of fat in the lower abdominal area as well as the hips, and thighs.
Stages: Lying with the body straight, inhale deeply and slowly lift your legs up to straight while you throw the breath slowly. Breathe normally with the position of feet above.
Hold position 15-30 seconds, and repeat slowly. Break 15 minutes per repeat
9. Marjariasana (Cat Pose or Cow Poses)
Strong contractions during this poses, helps in melt fat and reduce the size of the stomach.
Stages: sitting with relaxed, and slowly do a position like in the picture. Raise your head and push your lower back so that the concave. Inhale deeply and hold about 15-30 seconds. When done exhale slowly and lengkungkan back to the top to balance your body.
Repeat gradually
10. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
If you complain of back pain, this is great for pose relieves pain in your back.
Stages: Lay relaxed and straight, take a deep breath in and slowly lift your body from the waist up. But make sure your back is not hurting your back in this process.
Hold the position for 30-60 seconds and breathe normally. Repeat gradually. Break 15 minutes per repeat
11. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
This pose is great for toning the abdomen, back, thighs, arms and chest.
Stages: Lay tengkurap and straight, inhale deeply and lengkungkan body backwards until it can hold your wrist.
Hold position 15-30 seconds and release slowly in unison with the throw away your breath. Repeat gradually
12. Relaxation
Lying with relax, inhale deeply and slowly release, feel the sensation of relax flows inside your body.
That's the last of some Yoga positions that could help erode the fat in the body, don't forget practiced for best results. Don't forget to also share the article, I'll be helping your friends so skinny too
Do This Yoga Movement To Lose Weight
Reviewed by Angel
February 17, 2017

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